Media Mavens on the Move — Marketing & Communications
Eric Matza moved from VP Product Management at Experian to Director of Product Marketing at Rubicon.
Kurt Patat moved from Communications Director at AOL to Head of Digital PR at MTV.
Jocelyn Schmidt moved from VP and Director of Sales at Random House to Director Brand Management at Penguin Children’s.
Diana Donovan joined LifeStreet Media as Marketing Director.
Lee Raftery was promoted to SVP International Marketing at Comcast Int’l Media Group.
Ilene Danuff joined as VP Branded Content and Integrated Solutions at IFC and Sundance Channel.
Jennifer DeGuzman moved from Senior Director at MTV to VP at Bravo Communications.
Lauren LoFrisco moved from Group VP Marketing at Time Warner Cable to SVP Affiliate Marketing at iN DEMAND.
Connie Weaver moved from SVP Marketing and Communications at The Hartford Financial Services Group to EVP and CMO at TIAA-CREF.
Kris Wagner moved from Map Editor at Backpacker to Marketing Director at Trimble Outdoors.
Michael Kappitt joined as CMO at Burger King North America.
Rick Wion moved from VP Interactive Media at GolinHarris to Social Media Director at McDonalds.
Jennifer DeGuzman moved from Senior Director Communications at MTV to VP Communications at Bravo Media.